Биржи копирайтинга или где взять заказ копирайтеру?
Как искать заказы копирайтеру без бирж и сайтов фриланса? Правила

Когда-то, еще на старом сайте, я написал две части статьи «Послание безработным копирайтерам», которые разошлись по Сети сотнями репостов. Эти статьи были целиком и полностью посвящены поиску заказов копирайтерами вне бирж и сайтов фриланса.

 Затем я завел новый сайт, гораздо более крутой, создал Университет Копирайтинга и сделал еще тысячи кучу важных дел, но … . Я все же чувствую, что за те три года, которые прошли с момента написания материала, вопрос поиска дорогих заказов стоит не менее остро.

Именно поэтому пора снова вернуться к вопросу. Реально помочь авторам в поиске заказов и работы напрямую, без бирж. 

  • Если вы все еще не знаете, как и где находить себе заработок, прошу погрузиться в материал;
  • Если вы считаете, что клиенты вам что-то должны, читайте обязательно;
  • Если вы разочаровались в копирайтинге и устали от «нелетных» дней, то это ваша статья;
  • Если вы все еще находитесь в плену собственных профессиональных «хотелок» и личных претензий, вам обязательно нужна эта заметка;
  • Если не умеете находить работу и перебиваетесь случайными заработками, не проходите мимо!

Настроил? Тогда вперед, будем учиться находить клиентов без бирж контента!

Что мешает вам искать заказы вне бирж? Главная проблема копирайтеров

Копирайтеры, в подавляющем своем большинстве, совершенно не так воспринимают профессию. Для многих копирайтинг – это что-то вроде лотереи без всяких гарантий. Мол, повезет, найдется пара хороших заказчиков с деньгами, вот тогда я громко заживу!

 О наличии одного-двух хороших клиентов говорится с придыханием, как о каком-то чуде, которое входит в серые будни пестрой птицей счастья.


Ах, три звезды на ETXT. Ах, получил дорогой заказ. Ах, какая боль, меня не выбрали.

Люди, да вы чего? Вы кем хотите стать – копирайтерами или отличниками на бирже контента? С каких пор вы поверили в то, что ваше будущее должно зависеть от пары-тройки случайных людей и чужой площадки?

 Вы зачем вообще пришли в Сеть? Чтобы зарабатывать себе геморрой и садить зрение за копейки или для чего-то большего?

Нет, ладно, можно еще понять тех, кто в копирайтинге случайно. Подработка, лишняя копеечка, удобства удаленной работы и прочие штуки. Сегодня – копирайтинг, завтра – ведение групп Вконтакте, послезавтра менеджер в интернет-магазине.

К таким людям претензий нет, они не слишком и стремятся искать хорошие заказы. Ни особых запросов, ни амбиций.

Я сейчас обращаюсь к тем, кому копирайтинг «вставил». К тем, кто читает профессиональные книги, ищет свой стиль, хочет творить, а не штамповать рерайтинг.


Друзья, вы почему вешаете нос и унываете? Зачем же вы так пассивны и совсем не верите в себя?

В Интернете очень востребованы услуги копирайтеров. И на дорогих уровнях тоже хватает работы вне бирж. Я серьезно. Я не инфобизнесмен, который мало что смыслит в практической стороне копирайтинга.

Я прошел весь путь с самого низа, я такой же как вы, я знаю эту “кухню”.

Здесь полно дорогих заказов для копирайтера любого уровня. Для Петра Панды – крутые заказы в одной ценовой категории, для менее раскрученного автора -в другой, для копирайтера-новичка - в третьей.

Вы живете в эпоху, когда работу можно найти быстрее, чем вскипит вода для чая. Разве вы об этом не знаете?! А если знаете, так почему вы до сих пор не завалены работой?

Проблема бизнеса, которую не осознают копирайтеры

Десятки тысяч сайтов компаний и магазинов. Людей, которые готовы платить за добротные тексты, реально очень много. Штука в том, что поиск копирайтеров и замена контента – не всегда срочное и обязательное дело.

Иногда это может быть в долгосрочных планах или смутных желаниях. Часто компании даже не помышляют о новом контенте до получения конкретного предложения.

Простой пример:

У нас есть сайты проекта “Панда-копирайтинг”. Так вот, уже сегодня кое-что на сайтах немного устарело, кое-что можно и нужно оптимизировать. Даже с текстами не все в порядке (руки не везде доходят), а уж некоторые графические элементы и программные решения и вовсе просят замены.

Они меня не очень устраивают, но и не терзают пока.

Словом, в теории мне уже сегодня интересно  улучшить материалы графически, усилить каким-то кодом, хорошенько продвинуть в SMM. Интересно, но пока не критично. Есть дела поважнее. 

Так вот, если мне завтра напишет классный таргетолог, программист или дизайнер с конкретными предложениями по улучшению проекта, это будет интересно.

  • Если исполнитель покажет наброски того, что будет в итоге – мне это будет интересно вдвойне.
  • Если предложит еще и идеи реализации, я точно заинтересуюсь. 
  • Если цена будет не грабительской, а примеры работ – дельными, мы, вероятнее всего, воспользуемся его услугами. 

Повторюсь, подобное произойдет только в том случае, если человек придет на мою территорию сам и предложит нечто конкретное. Заказчик не придет к вам. Вы должны встретиться с ним вне биржи копирайтинга. Понимаете? 

А дальше будет парадокс. Теоретически зарабатывать хорошо хотят многие, но когда доходит до реальных дел, большинство сдувается. Стенать и проклинать судьбу, обогащая парочку дешевеньких заказчиков, почему-то оказывается легче и проще.

Такие вот дела. 

Заказы без бирж. Еще немного теории

Копирайтеры почему-то обычно ищут заказы на территориях, на которой уже обитают тысячи исполнителей. Это напоминает рыбаков, которые облепляют гроздями одно уловистое место.

Пройти дальше по реке, попытаться найти новое, более крутое место? Нет, ни в коем случае. Раз люди рыбачат, значит – клюет. Пусть мало, но зато проверено.Так?


Ведь не сложно же создать хорошее продающее письмо с предложением своих услуг. За час-другой  всегда отыщется пара десятков сайтов, контент которых староват, неактуален, некрасив.

Проведите аудит контента будущего клиента, посмотрите, какие материалы можно улучшить. Обращайтесь к людям с конкретными, а не абстрактными предложениями.

А можно предложить и не контент для сайтов, можно – презентации. Сценарии для роликов, поздравления для клиентов, корпоративную книгу. Можно очень многое, главное – отойти от нахоженных дорог. Уйти с бирж копирайтинга, где и без вас тесно. 

Если собираетесь чего-то достичь в этой профессии, дистанцируйтесь от толпы. Вы всегда будете ходить отдельно и видеть то, чего не видят другие. Это главное условие и цена успеха.

А теперь совсем просто: искать заказы на биржах и сайтах фриланса просто, но много конкуренции и не слишком выгодно. Искать заказы напрямую, без бирж и сайтов фриланса намного сложнее, но зато без конкуренции и копеечных цен. 

Если вы решили, что все же стоит попробовать поискать клиентов самостоятельно, давайте приступим к практике. 

Практика. Я хочу искать  заказы, но что мне писать владельцам сайтов?

Главное правило: ваше письмо не должно быть обезличено. Люди не любят, когда им рассылают спам. Да-да, спам, а как иначе назвать обращения, которые рассылаются всем подряд без изменения основного содержания?!

Заказчика очень раздражает «ловкость» соискателей, тут и там вставляющих однообразное:

Здравствуйте! Очень заинтересовал ваш проект, готов выполнить его точно и в срок.

Наивные соискатели думают, что изобрели некое универсальное средство общения с клиентами. Пусть им. Когда поумнеют, обязательно поймут, что подобный подход больше вредит, чем помогает.

Каждое письмо клиенту должно быть уникально. Пусть оно будет совсем маленьким, но зато личным:

  • Если видите, что тексты на сайте совсем слабые – давите на это;
  • Если не находите в материалах конкретики – смело пускайте аргумент в дело;
  • Если тексты не уникальны, если нет оптимизации, если в ключевых вхождениях переспам, если еще десятки важных для текстов «если» , то у вас есть шанс найти работу и новые заказы;

Единого рецепта нет, есть лишь умение находить болевые точки и пользоваться этим. Этих точек полно. Их ровно столько, сколько существует проблем с текстами в копирайтинге.

По сути, ваше обращение к клиенту – это тот же продающий текст. Его и пишите, но без “впаривания”, официоза и “купи-купи”.  Сможете продать свои услуги? Значит, справились.

Не нужно пыжиться и рассыпаться в изящных эпитетах. Вам важно обозначить проблемы клиента и указать возможность их решения конкретно вами. Для таких посланий подходит не жесткий официоз, а позитивное письмо, отправленное, скорее, другом, но никак не претендентом с жалобными глазами.

Почитайте мою книгу «Тексты, которым верят». Там очень много о том, как убеждать людей текстом.

Уже отправили вал писем, но клиенты не торопятся давать вам работу?

Если на ваши письма не отвечают, значит, 1) налицо явные проблемы с правильной подачей информации; 2) вы неправильно определили боли клиента и предложили то, что его не интересует.

Проблема кроется только в двух этих векторах. Проверено.

Если не отвечают, то у вас есть чудесная возможность начать прокачку своего навыка создания конверсионных текстов прямо сегодня. 

Теперь вы в режиме реального времени можете отследить, как растет ваш навык создания продающего контента.

Обычно копирайтеры даже не знают, как работают их тексты, поскольку возможность оценки конверсии есть далеко не у каждого. Здесь же эта возможность представлена в полной мере.

Написали – посмотрели, снова написали – опять посмотрели на результат. Сравнили. Все просто и до жути полезно.

Открою вам секрет: я больше полугода тренировался в написании «правильных» писем. Как и большинство копирайтеров, начинать пришлось со всякой штампованной ерунды вроде «готовы значительно улучшить качество статей на вашем сайте и привести сотни новых клиентов».

Конечно, в некоторых случаях работала и эта кустарщина, но когда начал анализировать, менять стили подачи и писать точечно для каждого сайта, число откликов значительно возросло.

Не отвечают? Ищите новые конструкции текстов, меняйте стиль подачи и виды аргументов, словом, экспериментируйте напропалую. Если будете внимательны и усердны, обязательно найдете «свои» схемы с высоким числом откликов. И найдете хорошие заказы, конечно.

Опыт копирайтера – важная штука, которая стоит очень и очень дорого. Простите за прописные истины, но на хорошие предложения люди отвечают охотно.

Не забывайте, что вы предлагаете людям качественную информацию, что есть главный фундамент Сети. Интернет – это информация. Спрос будет, если начнете думать и искать.

Сайтам каких тематик выгодней всего предлагать свои услуги?

Если бы мы с вами работали на бирже, то я бы без раздумий назвал «великую пятерку» – туризм, строительство, красота, кулинария, финансы и мода. 

К счастью, мы не на бирже, поэтому будем делать иначе. Почему - иначе? Потому что эти направления востребованы в дешевом сегменте, но в дорогом - не очень.

Лучше ищите то, что вам интересно. То, где вы сможете сказать свое Слово. На худой конец, ищите тематики или форматы текстов, с которыми вы имеете все шансы не опозориться. У каждого есть темы, где он силен или хотя бы уверен.

В них и нужно работать, а подбирать тематики по принципу рентабельности – глупо.

Бонус для тех, кто не умеет пока анализировать качество текстов на сайтах

 Можно искать неплохие заказы даже новичкам, которые пока не умеют анализировать качество чужого контента. Чтобы магия начала действовать, вам придется смотреть не на сами тексты, а на даты.

Даты новостей и статей в блогах!

Новости и статьи в блоге – головная боль тысяч сайтов.

Если в штате компании нет копирайтера, обновление ленты становится проблемой. Думаю, вы не раз натыкались на ресурсы, где последние новости датированы 17 веком. 

Именно на такие ресурсы вам и предстоит охотиться! Удобен способ тем, что копирайтеру вовсе не нужно искать повод для обращения. Все, что нужно – написать грамотное письмо, в котором вы должны ненавязчиво предложить свои услуги в качестве автора ленты.

Надавить можно на то, что старая новостная лента или лента блога – это несолидно. Или, к примеру, усилить эффект, предложив не только писать новости, но и создавать на их основе пресс-релизы, которые вы будете самостоятельно добавлять на специализированные бесплатные ресурсы.

 При наличии капельки наглости и фантазии можно за минуту придумать 5-10 преимуществ, которые даст сайту регулярно обновляемая новостная лента. Было бы желание.

Копирайтеру даже не нужно придумывать инфоповоды, в 95 % случаев заказчики сами предлагают темы новостей и статей. Нужно лишь грамотно подать информацию и получить расчет.

Эта работа идеально подходит тем, кто не в восторге от постоянных поисков заказов. Если найти десяток-другой клиентов, можно забыть о погоне за клиентами и переживаниях о хлебе с маслом.

Писать в день несколько небольших новостей – это удобно и предсказуемо. Со временем можно полностью перейти только на новости или сделать их лишь небольшим приработком.

Как искать  заказы без бирж и сайтов фриланса? Итог

Итак, давайте подведем итог. Мы выяснили следующие моменты:

  • Работы полно и вне бирж;
  • Чтобы найти заказы, нужно мониторить ленту по тысячам направлений, где-то точно стрельнет;
  • Вам нужно предложить владельцу сайта что-то конкретное, идеально – уже с цифрами и примерами. Если вы придете на территорию бизнеса с конкретикой, это оценят;
  • Вариантов работы с текстами полно: можно начать с ведения групп, новостных лент и блогов, а можно – с переписывания контента, предложения редактуры, оптимизации материалов и так далее.
  • Даже если вам отказывают, работа все равно есть. Просто учитесь и делайте выводы на основе полученной обратной связи;
  • Со временем вы наработаете собственные фишки и приемы. Найдете излюбленные форматы;

Напоследок хочу сказать одно: не вешайте нос. Искать копирайтеру дорогие заказы не так просто, но когда вы в этом прокачаетесь, то и новую работу будете находить куда проще, и старые клиенты будут подкидывать задачи.

Так и обрастете очень серьезной постоянной базой. Базой с совершенно иным отношением к исполнителю и ценником, чем база на бирже. Доказано на практике.

Добра вам!


У вас есть текст подобного формата?

Бесплатный разбор качества текстов на форуме ForCop



Опечатка? Пожалуйста, выделите её и нажмите Ctrl+Enter. Спасибо!


Петр Панда

Руководитель проекта “Панда-копирайтинг” и Университета копирайтинга. Создатель убедительно-позитивного стиля. Автор нескольких книг о копирайтинге

7 причин не работать на биржах копирайтинга

Статья написана в рамках статейного конкурса Serpstat и SEOnews.

Условия конкурса


Биржи контента – пристанище многих начинающих авторов. И не только начинающих. Я сама работала на бирже. Поэтому хочу поговорить с вами о том, почему стартовая площадка не должна превратиться в место постоянного обитания. Да и нужна ли эта площадка вообще?

Отсылайте биржу в баню

На биржи иногда обрушивается прямо неистовая ругань. И я вставлю свои пять копеек. Но не столько неистово. Для начала поставим вопрос: что не так с этими биржами и можно ли на них все-таки работать? Все, теперь можно забираться в дебри.

Итак, мои 7 причин не работать на биржах копирайтинга

Все контраргументы, которые я выделила, объединяет общая мысль. Пока отложим.

1. Потолок для роста

Первый враг в списке – это потолок. Я не считаю, что на биржах совсем нет роста. Он есть, но лишь на какое-то время. То время, пока «зеленый» копирайтер изучает азы: учится структурировать текст, знакомится с тошнотой, уникальностью и «купить москва обои доставка недорого».

Потом становится как-то скучно и прозаично. Шаблонные тексты, шаблонные ТЗ, да и тексты до людей не дойдут. С интересными заказчиками напрямую связь не установить (увы).

2. Неадекватные цены

Объемные ТЗ и копеечная оплата, а еще комиссия – вжух, и биржа готова. Цены отчасти можно отнести к причинам всех несчастий. Какой автор захочет делать анализ рынка, смотреть видео, читать форумы и придумывать что-то оригинальное, когда за статью заплатят доллар? Тратить полдня за доллар?

Взгляните на этот заказ:


Полуторотысячный рерайт доводить до 95% дольше, чем писать. Ну а в силах, да, сомневаться не надо.

3. Неправильные приоритеты

Прочитала в блоге WebPromoExperts интересную вещь. Они шутят, что существует три мира копирайтинга. В первом заказывают «копирайты», во втором пишут продающие тексты и лендинги, а в третьем разрабатывают мощные концепции продвижения и участвуют в мероприятиях международного уровня.

Почему так случилось, что на бирже заказывают «копирайты», а не рекламные тексты для iPhone 7 на сайт Apple? Я считаю, что дело в неправильно расставленных приоритетах:

  • Оплата за килознак. Написание текста сводится к тому, чтобы уложиться в определенное количество знаков. Именно поэтому, то есть ни для кого не секрет, что качество данных текстов не может отвечать стандартам. Автор, загнанный в рамки, не может позаботиться о полезности и читабельности. Получаются водянистые тексты, которые легко урезаются вдвое.
  • Уникальность и кривые ключи. Биржевые тексты часто пишутся для роботов – здесь не учат искусству убеждать людей. Попросите автора с биржи написать продающий текст, и у него случится когнитивный диссонанс.
  • Сжатые сроки. Редко на статью отводится два дня. В среднем – часов по шесть. Бывает (oh my God) даже час. Однажды я писала статью месяц, и получилось неплохо. Для биржи же шлифовка – ненужная роскошь.

То, о чем сказано выше:


Удалось дочитать до конца? Это один из моих первых текстов. С биржи.

4. Поставлено на поток

Авторы бирж тоже хотят кушать. Чтобы заработать на жизнь при известных расценках на тексты, им приходится в день набирать по 15 тысяч знаков, а то и больше. Если вы даже практиковали пресловутый «индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту», об этом придется забыть. Слишком большая нагрузка.


На биржах господствует рерайт. Здесь не принято задавать заказчику вопросы, а уж тем более разбираться в теме.

5. Атмосфера Древнего Рима

Если провести аналогию с правовой системой Древного Рима, то заказчики – это граждане. Все остальные – копирайтеры. Администрация всегда играет в ворота заказчиков. Исполнитель накосячил – попадает в бан. Можно годами нарабатывать рейтинг и мигом его лишиться. Первых за нарушения блокировать не торопятся.

Попустительство администрации порождает среди заказчиков стереотип: копирайтер – это подчиненный, а заказчик – босс. Речи не идет о партнерских отношениях. Автор на бирже будет всегда что-то кому-то должен.

6. Конвейер неинтересных текстов

Во-первых, большинство текстов создаются для SEO. Неадекватного и доисторического SEO, которое позволяет себе забивать сайт мусором и не подозревает о существовании нейросетевых поисковых алгоритмов и поведенческого фактора.

Это выглядит примерно так:


Во-вторых, заказчикам нужны тупо штампованные тексты «как у всех». Нестандартное мышление и креатив пресекаются.

Больше года назад на бирже у меня был заказчик. Ему нужно было заполнить страницы услуг. Ничего нового в моих текстах не было, а клиент радовался. Недавно он вышел на связь и попросил написать текст для главной. Хотела выделить сайт из серости и не ограничилась перечислением «качественных услуг команды высококлассных мастеров». Заказчик оказался непоколебим – в итоге креатив исправляла.

7. Парник в темном чулане (последний пункт и позитивная нотка)

Система отлажена. Заказы рядом. Сделки проходят через администрацию. Минимум усилий со стороны копирайтера. Сотни авторов добровольно запирают себя в темном чулане-парнике, где из-за перенаселения возникает жестокий демпинг.

Стоит выйти из маленького биржевого мирка, и взору откроются просторы огромного мира копирайтинга. (Правда, перегрузка равносильна падению с Луны на Землю.)


Не отсылайте биржу в баню

Биржа – это не всегда плохо. Вижу два таких случая:

  1. Копирайтинг – подработка. Когда есть основная работа, на поиск заказов нет времени. На бирже это делать легче, чем в свободном плавании.
  2. Копирайтинг – хобби. Допустим, человеку просто нравится писать тексты. Хлебом не корми, дай что-нибудь написать. Тогда деньги не на первом месте, и каждый заказ можно прорабатывать детально.

В самом начале я говорила об общей мысли, которую решила отрезюмировать в заключении. Друзья, этой статьей я хотела сказать, что для достижения успеха необходимо учиться выстраивать отношения с заказчиками, следить за тенденциями, повышать цену. Писать так, чтобы под текстом не стыдно было увидеть свое имя. Биржа этих условий лишает.

А как вы считаете? Жду в комментариях. Всем пис.

Что такое биржа копирайтинга?

Биржа копирайтинга — это интернет-площадка, на которой встречаются заказчики (которым нужны статьи) и копирайтеры (которые такие статьи могут написать). Такая схема позволяет сконцентрировать массу заказчиков и массу копирайтеров в одном месте для получения взаимовыгоды.

Существование таких бирж вполне оправдано, благодаря ним большинство копирайтеров могут сделать первые шаги, получить бесценный опыт и значительно расширить свой кругозор. Именно здесь можно сделать себе имя, которое потом уже будет работать на вас, что отразится на ваших доходах, но лучше расскажем обо всем по порядку.

Как начать работу на бирже?

Прежде чем регистрироваться на первой попавшейся бирже, которую вы нашли через поисковики, попробуйте узнать вначале о ней побольше. Платит ли она? Каковы условия работы? Далее, в нескольких следующих статьях, я подробно опишу несколько популярных бирж, на которых успешно работаю уже длительное время.

Причины, по которым стоит работать на таких биржах, а не искать случайные заказы в интернете:

*Вы гарантировано получаете оплату за свой труд, конечно с учетом небольшой комиссии;
*Вы получаете доступ к большому количеству заявок на выполнение работы, что увеличивает шансы на одобрение вашей кандидатуры для выполнения заказа;
*Заказчики могут добавить вас к себе в фавориты, тогда вы гарантировано получаете определенный объем работы;
*Существует возможность фильтровать некоторых заказчиков, с которыми тяжело работать;
*Биржа со временем, при достижении определенных показателей увеличивает ваш рейтинг, что влияет на ваши доходы.

Процедура регистрации на биржах копирайтинга.

Регистрация, как правило, несложная и не занимает много времени. Вас попросят указать ваше ФИО, e-mail адрес, номер кошелька в системе WebMoney, и немного информации о себе: образования, достижения, увлечения. Ваше право, указывать достоверные ФИО или вымышленные — этого никто жестко не проверяет. От себя хочу добавить, что если вы в будущем хотите сделать хорошую карьеру копирайтера, то лучше указывайте ваши ФИО или придумайте себе хороший и запоминающийся псевдоним.

После указания всех данных к вам на почту пришлют подтверждение-ссылку, кликнув по которой вы подтверждаете ваше регистрацию и можете приступать к работе. Например, стоит написать одну хорошую статью для вашего портфолио (для рекламирования ваших возможностей). Сразу хочу предупредить вас, что не стоит копировать чужие статьи и выдавать их за свои. Так вы поставите себя в сложное положение, если не сможете соответствовать приведенному в статье уровню и качеству написания.

Выбор темы для вашей статьи в качестве портфолио.

Просто введите в строке запроса на поисковиках какую либо тему. Например: здоровое питание. Как видим данный запрос очень популярен и востребован. Изучите статьи на подобную тематику и напишите свою от вашего имени, объемом примерно 2000-3000 символов.

90000 Content Writing Services | Copywriting Services 90001 Content Writing Services | Copywriting Services 90002 Content Writing Services 90003 90004 You know your business. We know how to help you tell your story. 90005 90006 Black Bear Design offers a wide array of copywriting services for your business. From website content writing to collaterals, white papers to social posts, video content to blogging services, we can deliver content that converts. 90007 90002 You’ve Probably Heard That Content is King, Right? 90003 90006 Well, we’d like to suggest that great content is really what’s king because poor copywriting can be the downfall of even the best-looking brochures and websites.And Black Bear Design is here to deliver great content for our clients. 90007 90006 Professional copywriting ensures your customers find information about your company that will convince them to do business with you. Our content writers work hand-in-hand with our web designers, graphic designers, SEO experts and the rest of the team to create content that represents your brand whether it’s online or in print. 90013 90007 90006 Request A Quote On Your Project 90007 90006 90002 Our Approach To Copywriting 90003 90007 90021 Strategic Messaging And Storytelling 90022 90006 Black Bear Design’s approach to content writing services is simple: what do you need your content to do for you? We work with our clients to identify their goals then develop a strategy to achieve those objectives before starting to craft the message.Through strategic messaging and storytelling, we create the copy that attracts and engages your ideal customer, creates a strong brand connection, and gets you more leads. By becoming experts in your business, we can have a clear understanding of your audience, message, tone and intention of your copywriting so the words can go to work for you. 90007 90021 Increase Organic SEO 90022 90006 We know every word counts. Well-crafted content, using the right keywords, helps increase organic traffic and gives you a better chance to find your customers.Especially when it comes to SEO blog articles, copywriting must be audience-friendly and search engine-friendly. Compelling content is key to getting seen in the forest of other businesses and websites. 90007 90021 Get Professional Writing Services 90022 90006 Most small- to medium-sized businesses just do not have the staff or the time to devote to copywriting. They are juggling their day-to-day business. With Black Bear, you’ll have access to a cave full of dedicated, creative minds offering everything from press release writing services to web design content writing.Getting professional writing services through a digital marketing agency is a great move whether you are launching your business or ready to grow. 90007 90006 90002 Our Copywriting Services Include: 90003 90007 90006 Ecommerce Website Writing 90013 Website Content Writing 90013 Marketing Collateral 90013 SEO Copywriting 90013 Video Writing 90013 90007 90006 Social Media Posts 90013 Email Marketing 90013 Press Releases 90013 Blog Content 90013 Articles 90013 90007 90006 Internal Communications 90013 Case Studies 90013 White Papers 90013 Newsletters 90013 eBooks 90013 90007 90006 A clear, concise message is the foundation of a good marketing campaign.Customers research your products and services because they want to see valuable information before they make a purchasing decision. Do not send your audience mixed messages with conflicting styles of writing on your website, brochures, blogs and social media. When you hire a writer, we can make sure that your content stays consistent throughout all mediums. 90007 90006 90021 What Can Great Copywriting Do? 90022 90007 90006 Solid marketing copywriting is more important than ever. We have your customer’s experience in mind, so you will never get copy that is bland or overstuffed with keywords.We’re here to offer the expertise of website content writers that know how to reach the humans and the spiders that get your search results. 90007 90006 Copywriters can take on a variety of projects and leverage different audiences for each one. Copywriting in advertising is very different from press release writing or even social media, but expert copywriters can do it all and ensure your message is clear and compelling throughout. 90007 90006 Skilled copywriters are flexible professionals who can adapt to any industry or topic with eye-catching headlines, brand messaging, and clear calls to action for readers.Copywriters can adjust easily to new content requirements and deliver on deadline because they understand their client’s requirements and audiences, and love to write for them. 90007 90002 Website Copywriting 90003 90006 Copywriting for the web should be compelling for your site visitors and still attract search engines since SEO writing alone will not sell your product or service. It’s a great way to help Google find your website, but potential clients who discover your site need a reason to stick around.Good content gives them just that. We develop well-written, worthwhile content that creates trust in your brand, establishes your credibility, and provides useful information to the people you want to target. 90007 90006 By weaving researched and selected keywords throughout your website’s message, we can leverage your positioning across the major search engines. Well-written copy will not only positively influence your rankings but also improve consumer experience with your brand. 90007 90006 Is your website content useful, structured and easy to navigate? We can make sure it is.Does your social media content grab your reader’s attention? It should draw your audience in by offering compelling stories, solutions to a problem, a fresh idea, or a demonstration video. As a Top 18 Social Media Marketing Agency in the U.S., Black Bear Design has the know-how to use copywriting to impact your social metrics. 90007 90006 90002 Developing A Content Marketing Strategy 90003 90007 90021 The Good Kind Of Audit 90022 90006 We begin any copywriting project such as writing websites with a content audit.What content is working and what is not? Do you have a library of blog posts already or is now the time to get started with on-page SEO tactics? Are there a dozen blog posts on a certain topic that could be compiled into an eBook? Does your social media presence support your brand by showing how informed you are about your industry and best practices? Or is all of it feeling a little tired? 90007 90006 We’ll audit your current materials, site, and social presence because we can not set goals and measure them without knowing where you are.We’ll research your competitors to see what keywords are on their list and what content is resonating with their audience, so we can craft the most effective communications for your business. 90007 90004 Copywriting Services For B2B & B2C 90005 90006 Atlanta-based Black Bear Design offers copywriting services to B2B and B2C clients in a variety of industries. Whether you offer products or services or both, our clients have one thing in common: they are looking for professional copywriting services that can offer a big picture strategy, audience engagement, know-how to increase conversions.How can we help your words stand out on the page and your business stand out in the forest? Contact us today to see what Black Bear can do for you! 90007 90006 90002 Black Bear Design 90094 is recognized as a Top Digital Agency by 90095 90003 90007.90000 Our 8 Best Ad Copywriting Tips EVER! 90001 90002 Digital marketing and PPC move incredibly quickly. However, for all the technological innovations and new features we see on a regular basis, there’s one element that remains crucially important regardless of changes in the platforms, tools, and technology — writing ad copy. 90003 90002 It does not matter how many of AdWords ‘bells and whistles you’re currently using — 90005 if your ad copy sucks, you’re not going to see the return you hoped for 90006.Fortunately, the PPC experts here at WordStream know a thing or two about how to write badass ad copy, and in today’s post, we’ll be sharing our best ad copywriting advice ever. 90003 90002 90009 90005 Ready to learn how you can vastly improve your PPC ad copy? Run our free Google Ads Performance Grader today! 90006 90012 90003 90014 A note before we get started … 90015 90002 There are a number of PPC ad writing tips and best practices that I’m going to go ahead and assume you’re already following, such as actually using keywords in your ads (you laugh, but 90009 so 90012 many advertisers do not ), and following Google’s policy guidelines (tHiS iSnT aLlOwEd).With that out of the way, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to the nitty gritty of writing awesome ad copy. 90003 90014 1. Mirror the User’s Objective 90015 90002 Nobody clicks on an ad because they think, «Wow, what a cool ad.» They click ads because they want to accomplish something and solve a problem. To this end, one of the most effective copywriting strategies at your disposal is to mirror the user’s goal in your ad copy. 90003 90002 When you sit down to write your ads, think of the user and what they want to accomplish — then phrase your ads in a way that directly appeals to this desire.90003 90026 This Carvana ad, served for the search query «sell my car,» is a great example of this principle. 90003 90002 The first headline perfectly reflects what the user is trying to accomplish-you need to sell your car, and Carvana wants to buy it. Further, they make effective use of the second headline by offering the additional benefit of picking up your car themselves. 90003 90002 Finally, Carvana uses the description to highlight the simplicity of the process and the added bonus of getting your money the same day.90003 90002 90009 I’ll give you $ 20 right now. 90012 90003 90002 However you choose to do it, keep the end goal of your user in mind when writing your ad copy. Help your prospects visualize solving their problem by using 90009 your 90012 business. 90003 90002 90005 << Want even more tips and tricks for exceptional ad copy? Get our free guide: 10 Tricks to Get the Click >> 90006 90003 90014 2. Include Numbers or Statistics in Your Headlines 90015 90002 Advertisers will do practically anything to get you to click on their ads, but all they really need to do is make your life easier, cut the crap, and get to the point.An excellent way to do this is by including numbers or statistics in your ads, preferably in the headlines. 90003 90002 The two ads above for car insurance quotes in Rhode Island (where I happen to be as I write this) both feature plenty of actual numbers not only in the headline, but in the body copy as well. Although neither of these companies are as well-known or have the brand recognition as brands like Progressive or State Farm, they 90009 do 90012 offer some compelling figures in their ads (even though the way some people drive here in Lil ‘Rhody makes me question how these speculative quotes could possibly be so low).90003 90002 Although this can be a remarkably effective way to make your ads stand out, it should be used carefully. Take a look at this example for a custom T-shirt printing service: 90003 90002 In theory, this should be a great ad because it mentions upfront-in the very first few characters of the headline-how cheap these custom-printed shirts can be. However, this can also raise more questions than it answers. For example, these shirts might be very affordable, but how good can they be for less than $ 2 per shirt? As a hypothetical prospect, I’m already questioning the quality of the product before I’ve even clicked through, which is not the desired effect.90003 90002 90009 SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY 90012 90003 90002 Most prospects have an idea of ​​how much they’re willing to pay for something long before they even consider clicking on an ad, so including figures or statistics in your ads helps them make a decision when evaluating your ad with a competitor’s ad. 90003 90014 3. Appeal to Users ‘Sense of Entitlement 90015 90002 This may sound like preying on the selfishness of your prospects-because it is. Without inadvertently sounding like a grumpy old man yelling at kids to get off my lawn, we live in an increasingly selfish society in which many people exhibit a blatant sense of entitlement.As unpleasant as this can be, it can prove a valuable opportunity for advertisers savvy enough to take advantage of it. 90003 90002 The ad above, for a divorce and personal injury lawyer, expertly capitalizes on this sense of entitlement. The phrasing of the headline ( «To Protect Your Best Interests») immediately appeals to the notion that the prospect deserves something-a shrewd tactic for a situation as emotionally charged as a divorce. 90003 90002 This technique is particularly prevalent in the legal sector, as many people who file lawsuits do so in the staunch belief that they’re owed something.In many cases, attorneys and law firms leverage the inherently adversarial nature of legal proceedings to create highly provocative ads that can be very persuasive-and appealing to a sense of entitlement is an excellent way to provoke an emotional reaction in your prospects. Speaking of which … 90003 90014 4. Include Emotional Triggers in Your Ads 90015 90002 Nothing spurs people into action like a powerful emotional response-especially online. This principle is what makes clickbait so effective; people read something, experience a strong emotional reaction to it, and then click through.This technique is one of the most powerful at your disposal when writing PPC ad copy. 90003 90002 90009 There, there, Donna — do not cry 90012 90003 90002 The emotional responses you can try to provoke will depend on what you’re offering and the desired effect you want this emotional reaction to have on your prospects. Negative emotions, such as anger, disgust, and fear can provoke an incredibly powerful response in the reader, but it can be a challenge to balance this reaction with the rest of your messaging-you do not want the negative emotional reaction to carry over into perceptions of your products or brand.90003 90002 Let’s take a look at an ad for a particularly delicate, potentially emotional service-a site that helps people determine whether their husbands are having affairs: 90003 90026 This ad is really interesting, and a great example of how subtle leverage of emotional triggers in your ads can be highly compelling. Firstly, the ad makes its primary benefit clear, namely that simply by entering a name the searcher can find information ranging from dating profiles to criminal records-quite the comprehensive search indeed, and the kind of armchair detective work that an unfaithful husband might not expect .90003 90002 Similarly, positive emotional triggers, such as affirmation and humor, can be highly effective at prompting people to click on your ads-but they can be tricky to implement well due to the subjective nature of these emotions (especially in the case of humor) . 90003 90026 This technique does not have to be particularly overt, and you do not necessarily need to outrage potential customers to get their attention. In fact, sometimes, a more subtle copywriting approach can be just as effective, as this ad demonstrates: 90003 90002 The ad above manages to stimulate an emotional response while using aspirational language to entice prospects to click.This type of ad may have been well-suited to a negative emotional trigger, but the advertiser has cleverly opted to take a more inspirational approach to a sensitive topic-body image-to get its point across. 90003 90002 Of course, sometimes, taking a more direct approach can be the best way to go, as this ad for a law firm specializing in DUI cases demonstrates with this ad: 90003 90002 In this example, fear-or, at the very least, uncertainty-is the primary emotional trigger ( «Save Your License & Avoid Jail»), and it’s right there in the headline, a very effective tactic.90003 90014 5. Create Unique, Keyword-Rich Display URLs 90015 90002 Many advertisers overlook the potential impact that a display URL can have on the success of their ads. Newcomers to PPC may not even realize that the display URL (the URL that appears in their ads) and the destination URL (the actual URL of the page to which visitors are directed upon clicking an ad) can be different. 90003 90002 The display URL can serve two purposes — it can be something more interesting and relevant to the copy of your ads, 90009 and 90012 it can (and should) contain your top keywords.Even if your destination URL does not contain the keywords you’re bidding on, your ads can still appear in search results if you include them in your display URL. 90003 90002 The example above makes good use of the display URL, which suggests that the prospect will be taken to a product page dedicated to security cameras. It looks better than a generic homepage URL, and gives the advertiser another opportunity to appear alongside the search term. 90003 90002 Before making your ads live, be sure to give some thought to your display URLs and how they can reinforce the messaging of your ads.90003 90014 6. Prioritize Your Best Copy 90015 90026 Last summer, Google responded to the growth in consumer device size and the demand for instantaneous solutions by further expanding your text ads-adding an extra 30-character headline and an extra 90-character description line. 90003 90002 At the time of wide release, Google reported that these new, up-to-300-character text ads drove 15% more clicks for advertisers. Sounds perfect, right? 90003 90002 Well-almost perfect. As powerful as it is to add more than 100 additional characters to your text ads, that does not translate universally across devices.On smaller devices, like smartphones and mini tablets, the screen size can not accommodate both a third headline and a second description line. 90003 90002 As such, when writing your text ads, it’s wise to frontload your best copy into the first two headlines and the first description line. That way, you can be sure you’re always serving compelling messages to users-regardless of their device preferences. 90003 90002 Here, because I was using my desktop, Google served me all three of KAYAK’s headlines.Nonetheless, the KAYAK copywriters came prepared for smaller screens. Although the inclusion of the branded website in the third headline does help from a recognition standpoint, it’s certainly not essential information. The first two headlines, on the other hand, are much more important to the ad. 90003 90002 And when I search the same query on mobile … 90003 90002 … only two headlines. It’s a different advertiser altogether, but I think you see my point. 90003 90002 90009 Still not sure what your best ad copy is? Check out the most common Google ad copy mistakes to avoid here! 90012 90003 90002 90127 90128 90003 90014 7.Preemptively Respond to Common Objections 90015 90002 Even if you’re operating in a crowded market with many competitors, oftentimes the choice between you and a competing business will come down to one of two objections — how much it’ll cost, and how much hassle it will be. Fortunately, you can preempt both of these common obstacles with a little forethought and some smart copy. 90003 90002 Take a look at this example ad for the search query «affordable home insurance»: 90003 90002 Obviously there are dozens of very large companies offering home insurance, and so differentiating yourself in this particular market could be pretty tricky.However, EverQuote has done a pretty good job of making this ad compelling. Note that the very first copy in the headline-a price-is «$ 97,» which helps overcome prospects ‘fear of being gouged for insurance. 90003 90002 The ad above was actually beaten to position one by the following ad: 90003 90002 This ad does nothing to alleviate my apprehensions about searching for a home insurance quote. Sure, it mentions that a quote will be free, but I’d expect that from any home insurance provider.It does not tell me how much I’ll 90009 actually 90012 be spending. 90003 90014 8. Focus on the Benefits 90015 90002 Remember how we discussed that we live in an increasingly selfish society? This should never be far from your mind when writing ad copy, especially when it comes to the body copy itself. Nobody cares about why your company is supposedly awesome. 90005 They only care about how you can make their lives easier. 90006 90003 90002 Let’s take a look at some examples of this principle in action.It’s worth noting at this point that one reason I’ve included so many examples from the insurance industry is because of its intense competitiveness and high CPCs, as well as the wide variance between ad copy from one company to another. 90003 90026 The first ad focuses almost exclusively on how their services benefit me as a potential customer. It tells me that their plans work with any licensed veterinarian and include coverage for hereditary health problems my pets might have.It goes on to assure me that my pet will be covered for life and that his or her age does not matter. 90003 90002 The second ad is significantly worse. The headlines are okay; including a call to action with a slight sense of urgency is a fine practice. It’s in the description that things go south for MOAA. The only benefit-if you can even call it that-is that MOAA members choose the coverage they want for their pets. 90003 90002 Um, yeah-that’s the whole point. It’s a given that MOAA members have that liberty.This ad is a complete waste of description space. 90003 90002 It’s worth noting that the second ad could very well convert like gangbusters-I’m sure there are literally thousands of ads out there that do not follow PPC best practices and still convert very well. That does not mean, however, that advertisers should emulate these ads 90009 unless they’ve performed well under rigorous A / B test conditions 90012. As with much of the conventional wisdom out there, real data from real tests is preferable to any «best practice,» even if it seems counterintuitive.Do what works for 90009 your 90012 business, not someone else’s, and always make decisions based on hard data. 90003 90002 Writing great PPC ads takes time and practice. However, by following the tips above and avoiding the mistakes of others, you can improve the quality of your ads (and your click-through rates, and your Quality Scores …) faster and see a greater return from your ad spend. 90003 90166 Summary: How to Write Effective Ad Copy for PPC Advertising: 90167 90168 90169 Mirror the user’s objective.90170 90169 Include numbers or statistics in your headlines. 90170 90169 Appeal to user’s sense of entitlement. 90170 90169 Include emotional triggers in your ads. 90170 90169 Create unique, keyword-rich display URLs. 90170 90169 Prioritize your best copy. 90170 90169 Preemptively respond to common objections. 90170 90169 Focus on the benefit. 90170 90185 90002 More of an auditory learner? Check out our Goal Talk Podcast episode on The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Effective Ad Copy! 90003.90000 3 copywriting principles (for 2x revenue) 90001 90002 90003 Start with a messaging hierarchy. 90004 90005 90002 90003 Be specific. 90004 90005 90002 90003 Use calls to value, not just calls to action. 90004 90005 90002 Those are the 3 copywriting practices we put into play to optimize the copy on the home page of SweatBlock, a top-rated clinical-strength antiperspirant. 90005 90002 90017 The result? A 108% lift in revenue. 90018 90005 90002 90017 Yup, our copy more than doubled revenue attributed to the home page.90018 90005 90002 Now, to be clear, when I see numbers like that, I’m as skeptical as the next person. 90003 Even I 90004 can not believe copy is as powerful as it is. «Really? Just use specific phrasing and double my biz? 90003 Really 90004 ?? » 90005 90002 Yeah, I hear you. I too shake my head at the results, marvel at the numbers, look for holes in the data if only because I can not really, truly believe that words can do so much for businesses. Then I get an email like this: 90005 90032 90002 I passionately believe that content is the most important part of CRO but it’s also the most neglected part of websites.90005 90035 90002 That’s from a conversion optimization expert at Google. 90005 90002 90017 The smartest people in CRO believe in copy. 90018 90005 90002 90017 Yet, in practice, it seems we’re all decidedly skeptical. 90018 To our detriment. After all, the data’s good. And the entire world of marketing is based on effective messaging. And it’s terribly easy to believe when the 90003 wrong 90004 message tanks conversions in a test — so why do we find it so hard to believe that the 90003 right 90004 message, put the right way, can and will increase conversion rates ?? (For a strong product.<- discussion unto itself) 90005 90002 All that to say: Allow yourself to suspend disbelief as you read through how we used li'l ol 'words, placed in the right order, to optimize the copy for SweatBlock's home page. See why we did it. See how we did it. So you can do it, too, as part of your next round of experiments. 90005 90052 First, Here Are the 2 Home Page Variations We Tested 90053 90002 The SweatBlock home page is an ecommerce one-pager. 90005 90002 That means it acts as a sales page and website all in one.90005 90002 Which is why it's so damn long. And which means it's gotta do a lot. 90005 90002 For your viewing pleasure, here's the control and variation B: 90005 90002 90005 90002 With the help of Sam Woods of Response Copy, * we wrote Variation B, starting with a new messaging hierarchy. 90005 90052 We started by eliminating the "muddle" with the help of a simple messaging hierarchy 90053 90002 What goes on the page? 90005 90002 This is the # 1 question you need to answer before you start writing a page.90005 90002 Now try answering it. 90005 90002 90003 What goes on your home page? 90004 90005 90002 Kinduva broad question, right? It's so broad, it breeds unhelpful answers. Perhaps you'd answer with, "As much as is necessary to convince the prospect." Nice consulting-y answer, but not that helpful when it comes to brass-tacks kinda work. So perhaps then you might find yourself jumping to answers like "a hero section", "a headline", "the calls to action", "an explainer video" and "images." 90005 90002 But what goes in 90003 and 90004 in-between all that stuff? 90005 90002 90017 When we're trying to figure out what goes on a page, we're really looking for our messaging hierarchy: 90018 the order in which to organize on-page messages to convince the reader.To arrive at the hierarchy, we need to start with the right questions: 90005 90088 90089 What is our visitor thinking when she lands on this page? 90090 90089 What do we want her to do by the time she finishes with the page? 90090 90089 How does her thinking need to change in the space between the start and the "end" of the page? What do we need to show and tell her to move her from where she was pre-page to where we want her to be now? 90090 90095 90002 The answer to Q3 will dictate what goes on the page and how long it needs to be.90005 90002 Now here's how I like to think about the general layout of a page and, accordingly, its messaging hierarchy: 90005 90100 The 10/90 Messaging Layout Rule 90101 90002 90005 90002 Roughly the top 10% of the page is all about matching 1 ) the visitor's stage of awareness and 2) the message (s) that led her here. 90005 90002 90017 The rest of the page is all about convincing her. 90018 To that end, I've found it useful to answer these questions, in this order, when writing a page. (Written from the POV of the prospect.Imagine answering one question for your prospect before she moves onto the next question.) 90005 90088 90089 What do you do? 90090 90089 Okay. Why should I care? 90090 90089 Am I alone in caring - or do others (preferably others like me) care? 90090 90089 You're starting to win me over. But I'm skeptical. So show me: 90003 how 90004 do you do what you say you do? 90090 90089 And if I believe you and your process / solution, how will my life improve? 90090 90089 I'd like to believe you, but first tell me: why is it safe for me to believe you? 90090 90089 Okay, let's say I believe you.Now what? 90090 90095 90002 Those questions are not perfect and they do not work in that order 100% of the time. But they're a solid starting point. Because they create a very simple conversation. 90005 90002 (How much or how little you write to answer each of those questions will vary. So please do not try to "science the shit" out of your copywriting - it's formulaic to a point, and then comes, well, art. ) 90005 90002 90017 When we first looked at the Control version of SweatBlock.com's home page, we could not quite follow its hierarchy.90018 A did not lead to B, B did not lead to C. It was a bit like trying to read a story when the chapters in the book have all been shuffled around. 90005 90136 90089 The answer to "what do you do?" kept reappearing. 90090 90089 The answer to "do others care?" popped up at least three separate times, seemingly without rhyme or reason, seemingly just because there was some good social proof handy. 90090 90089 Risk-reducers were waiting around every corner, even when there seemed no need to reduce risk at that point.90090 90143 90002 The Control felt like the old saying: "Every story has a beginning, a muddle and an end." 90005 90002 It had too much muddle. 90005 90002 So we drafted a hierarchy that would better eliminate the muddle, giving every single message on the page real purpose. We used the 7 questions I just showed you to create the following order of messages, with a little extra built in for the top 10%. Here's how that went down: 90005 90100 90003 >> Matching 90004 (in top 10%) 90101 90002 90005 90100 >> What is SweatBlock … why should I care … and do others like me care? 90101 90002 90005 90100 >> How do you do what you say you do? 90101 90002 90005 90100 >> If I believe you, how will my life improve? 90101 90002 90005 90100 >> Why is it safe for me to believe you? 90101 90002 90005 90172 90100 >> Let’s say I believe you.Now what? 90101 90002 90005 90002 Our copy intentionally moved along with the prospect, thinking like the prospect and anticipating their curiosities, objections and anxieties. Again, it merely tried to have a reasonable conversation with the prospect using these simple questions in this order: 90005 90088 90089 What do you do? 90090 90089 Why should I care? 90090 90089 Do others care? 90090 90089 So 90003 how 90004 do you do what you say you do? 90090 90089 And how will my life improve? 90090 90089 Why is it safe for me to believe you? 90090 90089 Let’s say I believe you.Now what? 90090 90095 90002 (I’m repeating those Qs so you can write them down, BTW.) 90005 90002 The Control, on the other hand, jumped around, creating what feels like a pretty mad convo between the visitor and the page. If we map the Control messages against what they’re trying to say, we get this: 90005 90088 90089 What do you do? 90090 90089 Why should I care? 90090 90089 Why is it safe for me to believe you? 90090 90089 And how will my life improve? 90090 90089 Do others care? 90090 90089 Why is it safe for me to believe you? 90090 90089 And how will my life improve? 90090 90089 So 90003 how 90004 do you do what you say you do? 90090 90089 90003 {Make me find my question in your FAQs} 90004 90090 90089 90003 {How long does it last?} 90004 90090 90089 90003 {Tell me again about the problem and the solution} 90004 90090 90089 Do others care? 90090 90089 Let’s say I believe you.Now what? 90090 90095 90002 Slightly chaotic, right? 90005 90002 A messaging hierarchy helped us minimize the Control’s sense of chaos. 90005 90052 From there, we turned vague copy into specific copy 90053 90002 Most copy online is entirely vague. It’s summarized. It’s abstracted. … Which makes it really hard to visualize or even understand. 90005 90002 90017 This vague approach to copywriting is nobody’s fault. 90018 Getting specific can just seem … scary. What if you’re too specific and no one can relate? What if you’re specific the wrong way, leaving your prospects confused? 90005 90002 Those are perfectly valid questions and concerns.You do not need me to tell you that — you know they are. But here’s the thing: 90017 in my experience, being vague just does not work as well as being specific. 90018 90005 90002 With that in mind, we turned SweatBlock’s summarized, vague-ish messages into specific copy. Compare them and check out our explanation below each set of before-and-afters: 90005 90002 90005 90002 To make the message more specifically tied to 90003 the visitor 90004, we added «your» to the first line of the headline.Then we replaced the negative outcome statement ( «Stop Embarrassment,» which is a summarized pain rather than a tangible one) with a tangible outcome: «wear what you want.» Finally, we added the line «just the dab of a towelette» to the subhead to help visitors visualize using the product. 90005 90002 90005 90002 The Control crosshead was a rather typical sort of crosshead, one we refer to as «placeholder text» here at Copy Hackers. We replaced it with the 90017 answer 90018 to the question the Control was asking.That is, by the way, a really clean way to get specific with your copy: just answer the questions your old crossheads were asking. 90005 90002 90005 90002 It may seem like leading with an influencer’s name, as in the Control, is a no-brainer crosshead. But we hypothesized that, if prospects were not clicking to buy in the hero section — if they kept on reading — it may be that they were in a solution-aware or pain- / problem-aware stage. As such, they would not yet respond to persuasion techniques (like proof from authorities), which is great for helping to close people but not so great for getting them to care and connect in the first place.So we replaced the Control crosshead with a specific and even colorful statement about using SweatBlock. 90005 90002 90005 90002 «Sweat relief» is good … but the SweatBlock prospect, suffering from excessive sweating, does not come to this page looking for «sweat relief,» does she? In a marketer’s head, sure, she wants sweat relief. But not in real life. In real life, she’s feeling tangible pains: sweating through her expensive clothes, filling her closet with boring dark clothes, shying away from high-fives and hugs.So we put those experiences on the page. 90005 90002 If you wanna learn more about how to get specific (and you certainly should), join me at Mozcon this September, where I’ll be presenting on How to Be Specific. 90005 90002 If you’d love me to test specificity on your site and present the findings at Mozcon (and in other places like this very blog), send Lance an email saying why, saying when and mentioning the split-testing tool you use. 90005 90052 And, finally, we optimized the buttons to include «calls to value» 90053 90002 YES !! 90003 90017 BUTTONS MATTER !! 90018 90004 90005 90002 I get soooooooooooo tired of people at conversion conferences dissing button copy tests.No, a button may not do the heavy lifting of persuasion. But, yes, it does the heavy lifting of transporting the visitor through the funnel. If you optimized all the copy on your page — or any of the copy on your page — you’d be a fool not to optimize the button, too. And you’re no fool — no siree. 90005 90002 Depending on where your prospect is in the conversion funnel or path, you’re likely to want to choose from one of these two options for your button copy: 90005 90088 90089 90017 Calls to value 90018, where the button copy amplifies the value of moving forward 90090 90089 90017 Calls to action 90018, where the button copy amplifies the action of moving forward 90090 90095 90002 Here’s a call to value on Variation B for the SweatBlock home page: 90005 90002 90005 90002 And here’s a call to action on Variation B for the SweatBlock home page: 90005 90002 90005 90002 Now, how do you know which one to use when you’re writing copy? 90005 90002 For starters, you can use both on one page.As long as you’re focusing the visitor on a single goal, the button copy you use can range from value-focused to action-focused. 90005 90002 90017 A call to value is best for people 90003 before 90004 they’ve decided to buy 90018; it reinforces the value of the offering and works toward convincing the prospect. 90005 90002 90017 A call to action is best for people 90003 once 90004 they’ve decided to buy 90018; they already understand the value, so it’s time to stop selling and just make it as frictionless as possible for them to give you their email addy or credit card deets.90005 90002 On the SweatBlock home page, we have the call to action «Order Now» in the header. It’s there for those visitors that have already decided to buy and just want to order now. That same CTA is repeated at the bottom of the page — it’s the last chance to buy. 90005 90002 The rest of the page features calls to value, like: 90005 90002 90003 Sweat less. Live more. 90004 90005 90002 90003 Why suffer? Get SweatBlock now 90004 90005 90002 90003 Control your sweat! Order now 90004 90005 90002 Additionally, you may have noticed that Variation B has more buttons than Variation A / Control.If we were measuring the success of this test on click-throughs rather than paid conversions, then adding all those buttons would likely impact the results such that VB would win simply because there are more opportunities for people to click. (That’s one of the many tricky things about buttons — people love clicking them.) Thankfully, we measured based on paid conversions. 90005 90002 And the result of all that? Copy that brought in 108% more paid conversions than the Control did. 90005 90002 But it does not stop there.90005 90002 Variation B became the new Control for SweatBlock … 90005 90002 … and we decided to run another test against that winner. 90005 90002 Later this week, I’ll share with you the second test we ran, how we arrived at it, and how it performed. Did it win by a landslide? Did it sink like a brick? 90005 90002 You’ll find out. But here’s my challenge for you: Tell me (in bullets) what you’d do to optimize the winning copy, which I’m including again for you here … 90005 90002 90005 90002 90017 Leave your guesses and / or ideas as a comment.90018 90005 90002 90017 If you nail it by guessing what 1 specific thing we did to optimize the second round of copy — and you just may if you’re familiar with Copy Hackers — we’ll give you, oh, say, a free spot in our upcoming 10x Emails course. 90018 Naturally you have to guess right 90003 before 90004 we publish the follow-up post. 90005 90002 (Valued at $ 997. Max 2 winners, so we’ll draw names if everyone guesses right. This challenge is 90003 90017 not 90018 open 90004 to members of The Copywriter Mastermind 1 or 2, who’ve heard the skinny on this test .) 90005 90002 ~ jo 🙂 90005.90000 Where I find copywriting clients (Nov 2016) 90001 90002 It’s fair to say that freelance writers struggle with sustainability. 90003 90004 Data echoes this sentiment. According to 90005 Venngage 90006, the average freelance writer makes less than $ 0.25 per word — which means they need to get multiple assignments and write more than 4,000 words per month just to earn minimum wage. 90007 90004 90007 90004 90005 Image source 90006 90007 90002 You and I want to find copywriting clients.90003 90004 We want to land gigs and make money. 90007 90004 So sometimes we take less than desirable gigs. 90007 90004 It happens … because BILLS. 90007 90004 We take these «meh» gigs by jumping to the «hourly writer for hire» services where we can quickly find jobs. I’m talking about the usual suspects we’ve all considered listing ourselves on: the Upwork, Fiverr, eLance, Craigslist, Freelancer, Peopleperhours-type sites of the world. 90007 90024 This is the problem with using sites like Upwork to find copywriting clients 90025 90004 The pay often sucks on sites like Upwork.90007 90004 Just look at some of the most recent listings in the 90005 ‘Copywriting’ category 90006 and see for yourself: 90007 90004 90007 90004 An $ 8 budget? 90035 Seriously? 90036 90007 90004 The fact of the matter is: Much of the time, these sites are not linking freelancers with their dream clients. There’s not much sustainability there. 90007 90004 It’s just a quick buck. 90007 90004 Do not believe me? Browse through forums like 90005 Reddit 90006, and you’ll see freelancers sharing their woes.90007 90004 90007 90004 And this is just one thread. There are 90005 many 90006, 90005 many 90006 90005 more 90006 with much more colorful language. 90007 90004 Of course, there are exceptions to every situation. Freelance writer 90005 Danny Margulies 90006 makes $ 100K + per year using Upwork and has taught fellow writers how he approaches this platform (and similar ones) with an approach that helps him land high-quality jobs and clients. 90007 90004 But unfortunately, for many freelance writers, it typically just does not pan out this way.90007 90024 So how can you build a more sustainable freelance copywriting business … reach your ideal clients … and ditch the «hourly wordsmith for hire» sites? 90025 90002 Let me tell you what I’ve done: 90003 90004 Over the course of the past three years, I’ve grown my freelance writing revenue by more than 40% year over year, been hired by a top 10 company on the Fortune 500 and landed gigs writing for publications like 90035 Entrepreneur 90036 and 90035 Inc. Magazine. 90036 90007 90004 How’d I do it? 90007 90004 If you want to get noticed by your ideal clients, you should try to get your name and work in front of them.90007 90004 With repeated exposure to your name, face and stellar content, over time, the fact that you’re great at what you do is going to eventually stick with them. When the time comes that they need to hire a freelance writer or they need to make a referral, they’re more likely to think of you. After all, they’ve been exposed to your brand all the time. 90007 90004 90079 To find out where your ideal clients are reading, here’s what I do. 90080 90007 90082 90083 Look at the social media accounts of content managers and editors at the companies I want to work with-and see where the content they’re sharing comes from.90084 90083 Study successful writers within your target niche and see where they’re getting bylines. 90084 90083 Ask. Reach out to people you’d like to work with on different channels and find out where they go for information. 90084 90089 90004 In my case, I discovered that the people I most wanted to work with were reading general, mass-distribution business publications (think 90035 Inc. Magazine 90036 and 90035 Fast Company 90036 -type reads) as well as some industry / niche -specific blogs.90007 90004 Which led me to this question: 90007 90098 90004 «So how do I get published in those places? Do not I need crazy credentials? » 90007 90101 90004 Yes, you have to work hard to get in these places, but it’s not that impossible. I found a couple of different ways to go about approaching these outlets — and I’ve had varied levels of success. Let me start by telling you about getting into the large publications, like 90035 Fast Company 90036. 90007 90024 Trying to Get an «In» at Large Publications 90025 90004 Some large publications accept new contributors through a formal application process, which is outlined on their website.Lucky for you, I’ve made it easy and put the process and application forms for some of the top news publications all in one place. 90007 90004 For example: 90007 90004 It works like this: You fill out a form, sometimes submit an article or writing samples and then … sit tight. 90007 90004 90079 The thing is: 90080 The success rate for this route can be low. And the wait time is long. Trust me, I tried this route. You can imagine the volume that comes through these channels on a daily basis, right? It has to be a deluge.90007 90004 But there’s another way you can go about this. 90007 90004 All of these publications have editors. Yes — real, human people with social media accounts that you can talk to. 90007 90004 So here’s what I did — step by step: I was able to land my first writing gig with 90035 Entrepreneur 90036 by building a relationship over Twitter with an editor there. And he and I still chat on a regular basis. 90007 90004 The relationship began after I heard this particular editor share on a podcast interview his frustration with how hopeful contributors were approaching pitching in a very unsuccessful way.Day after day, he saw potential contributors strike out because: 90007 90004 1. They were missing a relationship-building element — and before getting to know the editor via social media, they were instead just going straight to the ask. 90007 90004 90035 and … 90036 90007 90004 2. Pitches often were not relevant to the editor’s specialty or «beat.» 90007 90004 Hearing this, I decided to follow his advice. I did just what he asked. I followed him on Twitter, and for several weeks I engaged with him on a regular basis without asking for 90035 anything 90036.Then, after about a month, I reached out with this message: 90007 90004 90035 Hello! 90036 90007 90004 90035 @Kaleighf from Twitter here. 90036 90007 90004 90035 I listened to your podcast interview a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been rolling around in my brain ever since. 90036 90007 90004 90035 My question, of course, is: Would you mind if I sent over a few article pitches for 90036 Entrepreneur 90035? 90036 90007 90004 90035 I’ve re-written that sentence about 15 times, and can not find a less stupid-sounding way to ask.90036 90007 90004 90035 I spend most of my time writing for SaaS companies and blogs geared at small business owners, so I’d love to share some ideas for articles around one of my most favorite topics: Unexpected places to get new clients. 90036 90007 90004 90035 Interested? Annoyed? Willing to critique my pitching abilities? Open to anything, really. 90036 90007 90004 90035 Thanks, Kaleigh Moore 90036 90007 90004 Within seconds, I got this response: 90007 90004 90079 90035 Pitch freely.Here’s my email. 90036 90080 90007 90004 I was an official contributor by the end of the week. Success! 90007 90004 I repeated this approach with other editors and content managers and found that Twitter especially was extremely useful for building rapport and eventually pitching. And time after time, this simple tactic has helped me land new writing gigs and clients. 90007 90004 90079 The lesson here: 90080 Networking through social media can pay off if you’re committed to building actual relationships.Do not drop off the face of the earth after you get what you want, either. 90007 90004 Now: A few things to know about writing for major publications … 90007 90004 The pros include: 90007 90194 90083 Building credibility 90084 90083 Reaching new audiences 90084 90083 Interviewing clients you might want to work with 90084 90083 Developing a broader audience 90084 90083 Getting instant social proof 90084 90205 90004 To say nothing of the fact that your mom actually knows Entrepreneur, Forbes and Fortune.90007 90004 Now, there are also the cons. I’ve put them in this handy list so you can compare the two sides: 90007 90004 90007 90004 The pros and cons balance each other out. 90007 90004 And, above all, writing for a big-name publication can be an extremely rewarding experience. Sometimes you even get paid for contributing … but in my experience, when you do, it’s not much. 90007 90004 But remember: your ideal client is reading more than one publication. 90007 90004 So let’s talk about writing for niche-specific blogs.90007 90024 How I Guest Post on the Niche-Specific Blogs My Ideal Clients Are Reading 90025 90004 The other important place to get published is on those industry specific blogs where your ideal clients are going for information. 90007 90004 90035 Why? 90036 90007 90004 Well, for one thing, it helps you build authority as a thought leader within your niche. 90007 90004 If you can associate your name with an established brand known for excellence in a specific industry or subject matter, that’s a quick way to build up authority by association.90007 90004 For another, it’s a hyper-relevant place for you to get published. Again, getting your name and face in front of this audience means you’re not only showcasing your knowledge and expertise to the audience you want to hire you, but you’re also becoming increasingly familiar to them via repeated exposure. 90007 90004 90079 So writing for niche blogs can help you: 90080 90007 90082 90083 Build your authority in a niche 90084 90083 Get better exposure to that niche 90084 90089 90004 How do you figure out which niche blogs your dream clients are reading? 90007 90004 The exact same way you found out about the major publications they’re reading.90007 90194 90083 Study the social media accounts of people who work at the companies you want to write for-and see where the content they’re sharing comes from. 90084 90083 Study successful writers within your target niche and see where they’re getting bylines. 90084 90083 Ask. Reach out to people you’d like to work with on different channels and find out which niche blogs they turn to for information. 90084 90205 90004 Pitching works the same way, too. Use social media to build relationships with the content managers and editors you want to work with.Time and time again, Twitter has helped me land writing gigs with the niche blogs that help associate authority and ethos with my byline. 90007 90004 What happens when you start getting authoring content with large publications and those niche-specific blogs? 90007 90004 Freelance writer 90005 Aaron Orendorff 90006 has an interesting perspective: 90007 90004 90007 90004 90035 «My entire approach to building a freelance writing business has revolved around guest posting. Over the last two years my byline has exploded on two fronts: (1) main-stream media like Inc., Entrepreneur, Lifehacker, Fast Company, and others; and (2) niche-marketing sites like Copyblogger, Content Marketing Institute, Unbounce, etc. 90036 90007 90004 90035 For me, guest posting works for new client generation and especially for price positioning. With client generation, I do little more than post … and wait for direct, one-on-one emails for new work to come in. I guest post regularly (5-9 articles a month) and I also use Notifier to Tweet directly to everyone I include in each article.With price positioning, I do not accept money for featuring clients in my posts, but when I drop the names of publications … I can immediately justify my skills. That one «social proof» approach has let me 5x-6x my rate in the last year alone. » 90036 90007 90004 90079 In short: 90080 Rather than just writing on your own blog and hoping people notice you, focus on guest posting and getting published in the places where your clients are reading. This will help you get the attention and exposure you need to attract more business from your ideal clients.90007 90004 Now we’ve covered the first point in detail. 90007 90004 So let’s move on to your next action item if you want to attract the clients you’ve been dreaming of … 90007 90004 I’ve built up a network of fellow freelancers who do similar work. 90007 90004 Not only does this help stave off loneliness on the days where I’m missing in-house coworkers. But it also helps to have go-to sources when you’re too busy … or too slow. 90007 90004 You can turn to your network of freelancers and say, 90007 90098 90004 «Hey! I need help with this project — I’m way overloaded right now, «90007 90101 90004 Or, 90007 90098 90004» Hey! Need any help with projects right now? Things are a bit slow for me at the moment.»90007 90101 90004 Data from 90005 Freelancers Union 90006 shows that this is a common practice for the entire freelance. 90007 90194 90083 90079 81% of freelancers refer work to each other 90080 90079 (90080 tweet this 90079) 90080 90084 90083 90079 52% of freelancers team up on projects or do paid work for other freelancers 90080 90079 (90080 tweet this 90079) 90080 90084 90083 90079 37% of freelancers trade or barter services with other freelancers 90080 90079 (90080 tweet this 90079) 90080 90084 90205 90004 90007 90004 90005 Image source 90006 90007 90004 Freelance writer 90005 Emma Siemasko 90006 told me this :, 90007 90004 90035 «I ‘ d say 50-80% of my work comes from other freelancers.Most of the time I’m not doing work for the freelancer, but working alongside them. Often clients have needs that can not be met by writer (sometimes it’s because of bandwidth, other times it’s because of specialty). » 90036 90007 90004 She explained that, for her, a network of freelancers is much more than a source of ideal clients and regular work: 90007 90004 90035 «My network of freelancers has also helped me in practical ways — but the biggest benefit has been having the emotional and social support.As a freelancer, you do not have coworkers, but you still need a community. You need validation that you’re doing okay. You need people that relate. It makes you feel sane. That’s what a network of freelancers can give 90036 90035 you 90036 90035. » 90036 90007 90004 Finding a network or community is pretty simple, too. Consider joining relevant online communities such as: 90007 90004 For freelancers, having a network of fellow freelancers often means having a regular flow of work, which is good news for sustainability.90007 90004 And now, onto your third action item for attracting stellar clients … 90007 90004 Sure, you could keep going to the local Chamber of Commerce meetings and handing out business cards to people who never call you. You talk to a wide variety of business owners there. But none of them really fit the ideal client you’re aiming for, do they? None of them actually 90035 excite 90036 you. 90007 90004 You could also keep going to meetups with other content marketers who are all facing the same problems you are.But if no one there has ever sent a client your way or passed you a job, something’s gotta change. 90007 90004 90079 Rather than going to a general networking event or an event that’s filled with a bunch of peers facing the same struggles you are, do like I do: 90080 attend events targeted at your most ideal clients, like SaaS companies, eCommerce brands or creatives (for example). 90007 90004 Doing this helps you get face time with the clients you want to work with. 90007 90004 Sure, there might not be as much value in the content covered during the actual event for you — but the content is not the point for you.Not when you’re in networking mode. Remember: you’re going to these events to have the opportunity to chat and connect with your most ideal clients. 90007 90004 The next question, then, is: 90079 90035 How do you find the right events? 90036 90080 90007 90004 First things first: Define who your target client is (DUH). 90007 90004 Then, look for nearby networking events using sites like: 90007 90004 You can also check out what conferences are coming up in the coming months for your niche and pick out a few that might be worth attending.Turn to social media and ask which ones people are attending as well — this might help narrow down your search, too. 90007 90004 Conferences that you might want to grab tickets for include: 90007 90004 If you see there’s someone you want to connect with attending a particular conference, this could opportunity to reach out in advance with an email or a tweet: 90007 90098 90004 «Hey , wanna go grab tacos Tuesday night at the conference? » 90007 90101 90004 But do not just limit yourself to attending.90007 90004 You should also seek out speaking opportunities (if you’re comfortable with that) as sharing your insight at conferences and in-person events can be a great way to land new clients, too. 90007 90004 90005 Ross Simmonds 90006, a freelance content consultant, told me: 90007 90004 90007 90004 90035 «The majority of new clients that have come through my door in the last couple years have come from attending or speaking at targeted events. I leverage sites like Eventbrite, Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups to identify events happening at industries that are relevant to me.90036 90007 90004 90035 Some of the events will have an audience of 20-30 people while others will be 500+. The goal here is to find events where you’re the only person who knows or is talking about a specific topic. In doing so, you’re able to stand out as an expert and do not have to compete with hundreds of other designers, copywriters, marketers or agencies. » 90036 90007 90004 90079 The bottom line here: 90080 Attending in-person events can be a serious time investment. When you’re a freelancer, time = money.Invest wisely. 90007 90004 And now, numero four! 90007 90004 For freelance copywriters like you and me, referrals are HUGE. 90007 90004 Why? 90007 90004 90079 Because referrals are pre-qualified leads who are ready to get to get to work (little to no sales pitch required.) 90080 90007 90004 You do not have to convince a client whose come via referral to hire you. That’s because someone they trust has already verified that the quality, value and communication of the freelancer is 90035 muy bueno 90036.90007 90004 Research from the International Freelancers Academy backs this up. Their data shows that 90005 freelancers named referrals as the top way to find and land ideal work 90006. 90007 90004 90007 90004 90005 Image source 90006 90007 90004 I thought this was interesting. 90007 90004 So I took to Twitter. I wanted to see what freelancers on Twitter would say about the power of referrals. Check out the responses I got: 90007 90004 90007 90004 Anton Sten agrees with Joel: 90007 90004 90007 90004 And so does Melissa Jean Clark: 90007 90004 90007 90004 90035 See a pattern here? 90036 90007 90004 So maybe you’re wondering, «How do I get said referrals, hmmm?» 90007 90004 90079 Ask (yes, ask!) Your existing clients to refer you if they’re pleased with your work.90080 90007 90004 You have to be deliberate about asking people to recommend you to others. 90007 90004 Think of it this way: 90079 Who else, but you, is going to nudge one happy client to refer in a friend? 90080 As a freelancer, you’re part business owner. So you’ve got to put on your business owner pants sometimes and do the business-necessary tasks, too. 90007 90468 90079 Here’s how to 90080 90079 make short, easy, repeatable work of requesting referrals: 90080 90473 90082 90083 Create a template email or an automated email for this process so that you’re not writing this from scratch each and every time you need to send it out.Chances are, this email is going to look pretty similar for all clients, so you do not need to re-write it each and every time. Plus, efficiency! 90084 90083 Within the email, remind the client that your business depends on referrals and recommendations — and that you’d very much appreciate any relevant referrals they can send your way. 90084 90083 Thank them for working with you, and throw in some reminders of the great work / results you helped produced. Stats and hard numbers work well here (think boosts in conversion rates, sales, the turnaround time, etc.). This also keeps the fact that you’re an excellent freelancer fresh in their minds. 90084 90083 If you like, you can also incentivise referrals by rewarding clients who send referrals your way with credits on their invoices and / or handwritten thank-you notes. I swear by this! 90084 90089 90004 Want to see an example email? 90007 90004 Feel free to copy this and paste it into Gmail. Then use 90005 Mixmax 90006 or something similar to turn it into a template. 90007 90004 90035 Hello (client name), 90036 90007 90004 90035 Just wanted to thank you again for working with me on X project.I really enjoyed collaborating with your team, and I’m so glad we were able to boost your conversion rate by XX%! That’s no small feat. 90036 90007 90004 90035 Now that we’re wrapped with this project, I wanted to see if you’d be willing to offer me some feedback. 90036 90007 90004 90035 What’s 1 thing I should do differently to make working with me a no-brainer breeze for folks like you? 90036 90007 90004 90035 I’m always striving to improve, so I’d very much appreciate if you could take a few minutes to let me know.90036 90007 90004 90035 Thanks in advance, 90036 90007 90004 90035 (Your name) 90036 90007 90004 90035 PS: I’d love to work with more people like you — and perhaps your friends want to work with someone like me. Would you mind introducing me to one of your favorite business contacts? 90036 90007 90004 90079 Easy, right? 90080 90007 90004 Freelance writers can vouch that this works, too. Joel Klettke of 90005 Business Casual Copywriting 90006 said: 90007 90004 90035 «The vast majority of my good leads — probably 80 — 90% of my business that closes — comes from referrals.When you come recommended, leads tend to come with a healthy expectation of what to expect and what they’ll pay. Pricing is less of a battle, and I’ve found trust is easier to earn and maintain. 90036 90007 90004 90035 My system for earning referrals is not all that revolutionary: At the end of a project, I always ask for a testimonial, a recommendation on LinkedIn, and whether or not they know other businesses in need of a copywriter. Then, I’ll check back in periodically to ask how business is going, what they’ve learned / experienced since we worked together, and again whether they have any peers or leads on who might be looking for conversion-focused copy.90036 90007 90004 90035 Most times, it comes out of the blue — I do not even have to ask. 90036 90007 90004 90035 I do not incentivize referrals; it’s not something I’ve experimented with too much. From my own experience, I have not needed to offer incentives; my clients recommend me because they have faith in what I can do and like passing me on to people because they know I’ll deliver. I’ve referred people in the past, and there’s a certain amount of pride in being able to recommend someone good — that’s fulfilling enough for most people.»90036 90007 90004 Maybe this post has you really excited. 90007 90004 We’ve covered a lot of actionable ways you can move down a path toward building a more sustainable freelance writing business. But it’s 90035 not 90036 a guarantee for immediate and long-lasting big-bank success. 90007 90004 There are no guarantees. These are just steps that have worked for me. To help set you up for the bumps in the road, keep this in mind: 90007 90194 90083 Not everyone gets granted access to write for major publications.90084 90083 You’re not going to be a perfect fit for every niche blog you want to write for. 90084 90083 And no, every client is not going to give you a referral. (That does not mean you’re not a * baller * writer, though.) 90084 90205 90004 90079 So what 90080 90079 can 90080 90079 you count on doing? 90080 90007 90082 90083 Taking steps to get in front of your ideal clients by writing in more relevant spaces and attending in-person networking events where those clients are spending time 90084 90083 Growing your network of freelancers who do similar work 90084 90083 Being more deliberate about asking for referrals from your existing network and clients 90084 90089 90004 Do those things, and with time, you’ll spend less time trying to make a quick buck … 90007 90004 … and more time doing freelance work you actually enjoy.90007 90004 ~ kaleigh 90007 90004 Kaleigh Moore is a freelance writer who specializes in content marketing for SaaS and eCommerce companies. Learn more at her website, 90005 KaleighMoore.com 90006. 90007.

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